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USA TEACHER HIRING: P253,000.00 Monthly Salary ☑️ Must be a Bachelor's Degree holder or Higher ☑️ With or without License ☑️ Be interested in the Singaporean education system. ☑️ Be interested in working with children. Apply Here: Application Form Applicants are encouraged to read the job description for the role prior to applying and submit a cover letter , curriculum vitae and a duly completed copy of the School’s Job Application Form and send to StaffHR@ais.com.sg . Kindly ensure that the position title is clearly specified in the job application form. JOB DESCRIPTION: MATH TEACHER PDF DRAMA TEACHER PDF ART TEACHER PDF ELEMENTARY TEACHER PDF SECONDARY TEACHER PDF SENIOR HIGHSCHOOL TEACHER PDF COLLEGE TEACHER PDF VOCATIONAL TEACHER PDF Read Job Description First Before Apply!